JavaTM Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |
public interface Unmarshaller
Unmarshaller クラスは、XML データを新しく作成された Java コンテンツツリーに直列化復元し、オプションとして非整列化時に XML データを検証するプロセスを制御します。多数の異なる種類の入力に対する非整列化メソッドのオーバーロードを提供します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); Object o = u.unmarshal( new File( "nosferatu.xml" ) );
InputStream から非整列化します。
InputStream is = new FileInputStream( "nosferatu.xml" ); JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); Object o = u.unmarshal( is );
URL から非整列化します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); URL url = new URL( "http://beaker.east/nosferatu.xml" ); Object o = u.unmarshal( url );
javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource を使用して StringBuffer から非整列化します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); StringBuffer xmlStr = new StringBuffer( "<?xml version="1.0"?>..." ); Object o = u.unmarshal( new StreamSource( new StringReader( xmlStr.toString() ) ) );
org.w3c.dom.Node から非整列化します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(new File( "nosferatu.xml")); Object o = u.unmarshal( doc );
クライアントが指定した検証 SAX2.0 パーサーを使用して javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource から非整列化します。
// configure a validating SAX2.0 parser (Xerces2) static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaLanguage"; static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaSource"; static final String W3C_XML_SCHEMA = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; System.setProperty( "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory", "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl" ); SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setNamespaceAware(true); spf.setValidating(true); SAXParser saxParser = spf.newSAXParser(); try { saxParser.setProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, W3C_XML_SCHEMA); saxParser.setProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LOCATION, "http://...."); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException x) { // exception handling omitted } XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader(); SAXSource source = new SAXSource( xmlReader, new InputSource( "http://..." ) ); // Setup JAXB to unmarshal JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); ValidationEventCollector vec = new ValidationEventCollector(); u.setEventHandler( vec ); // turn off the JAXB provider's default validation mechanism to // avoid duplicate validation u.setValidating( false ) // unmarshal Object o = u.unmarshal( source ); // check for events if( vec.hasEvents() ) { // iterate over events }
StAX XMLStreamReader から非整列化します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory().newInstance().createXMLStreamReader( ... ); Object o = u.unmarshal( xmlStreamReader );
StAX XMLEventReader から非整列化します。
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader xmlEventReader = javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory().newInstance().createXMLEventReader( ... ); Object o = u.unmarshal( xmlEventReader );
非整列化では、XML 文書全体または XML 文書のサブツリーを表す XML データを直列化復元できます。通常は、「グローバルに宣言されたルート要素の非整列化」で説明されている非整列化メソッドを使用すれば十分です。これらの非整列化メソッドは、グローバル XML 要素宣言および型宣言から JAXB マップクラスへのJAXBContext
のマッピングを利用して、XML データのルート要素の非整列化処理を初期化します。JAXBContext
のマッピングが XML データのルート要素を非整列化するのに不十分である場合、アプリケーションは declaredType による非整列化メソッドを使用して非整列化プロセスを支援することができます。これらのメソッドは、ルート要素がスキーマのローカル要素宣言に対応する XML データを非整列化するときに役立ちます。
非整列化メソッドは null を返しません。非整列化プロセスが XML コンテンツのルートを JAXB マップオブジェクトのルートに非整列化できない場合、JAXBException をスローすることによって致命的なエラーが報告され、処理が中止されます。
declaredType パラメータを含まない非整列化メソッドは、JAXBContext
を使用して XML データのルート要素を非整列化します。JAXBContext
インスタンスは、この Unmarshaller の作成に使用されたインスタンスです。JAXBContext
インスタンスは、グローバルに宣言された XML 要素および型定義名から JAXB マップクラスへのマッピングを保持しています。非整列化メソッドは、ルート要素の XML 名または @xsi:type、あるいはその両方から JAXB マップクラスへのマッピングがJAXBContext
に含まれるかどうかをチェックします。これを含む場合、適切な JAXB マップクラスを使用して XML データを非整列化します。ルート要素名が不明で、ルート要素に @xsi:type が含まれる場合、JAXBElement
の値として JAXB マップクラスを使用して XML データは非整列化されます。JAXBContext
オブジェクトに、ルート要素の名前またはその @xsi:type (これが存在する場合) に対するマッピングが含まれない場合、非整列化操作はUnmarshalException
をスローすることによって直ちに強制終了されます。次のサブセクションで説明する declaredType による非整列化を使用することによって、この例外シナリオを回避することができます。
The unmarshal methods with adeclaredType
parameter enable an application to deserialize a root element of XML data, even when there is no mapping inJAXBContext
of the root element's XML name. The unmarshaller unmarshals the root element using the application provided mapping specified as the declaredType parameter. Note that even when the root element's element name is mapped byJAXBContext
, thedeclaredType
parameter overrides that mapping for deserializing the root element when using these unmarshal methods. Additionally, when the root element of XML data has an xsi:type attribute and that attribute's value references a type definition that is mapped to a JAXB mapped class byJAXBContext
, that the root element's xsi:type attribute takes precedence over the unmarshal methods declaredType parameter. These methods always return a JAXBElement<declaredType> instance. The table below shows how the properties of the returned JAXBElement instance are set.
Unmarshal By Declared Type returned JAXBElement JAXBElement Property Value name xml element name
value instanceof declaredType
declaredType unmarshal method declaredType
parameterscope null
(actual scope is unknown)
The following is an example of unmarshal by declaredType method.
Unmarshal by declaredType from a org.w3c.dom.Node:
Schema fragment for example <xs:schema> <xs:complexType name="FooType">...<\xs:complexType> <!-- global element declaration "PurchaseOrder" --> <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <!-- local element declaration "foo" --> <xs:element name="foo" type="FooType"/> ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema> JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" ); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(new File( "nosferatu.xml")); Element fooSubtree = ...; // traverse DOM till reach xml element foo, constrained by a // local element declaration in schema. // FooType is the JAXB mapping of the type of local element declaration foo. JAXBElement<FooType> foo = u.unmarshal( fooSubtree, FooType.class);
Support for SAX2.0 Compliant Parsers
A client application has the ability to select the SAX2.0 compliant parser
of their choice. If a SAX parser is not selected, then the JAXB Provider's
default parser will be used. Even though the JAXB Provider's default parser
is not required to be SAX2.0 compliant, all providers are required to allow
a client application to specify their own SAX2.0 parser. Some providers may
require the client application to specify the SAX2.0 parser at schema compile
time. See unmarshal(Source)
for more detail.
Validation and Well-Formedness
A client application can enable or disable JAXP 1.3 validation mechanism via the setSchema(javax.xml.validation.Schema) API. Sophisticated clients can specify their own validating SAX 2.0 compliant parser and bypass the JAXP 1.3 validation mechanism using the
API.Since unmarshalling invalid XML content is defined in JAXB 2.0, the Unmarshaller default validation event handler was made more lenient than in JAXB 1.0. When schema-derived code generated by JAXB 1.0 binding compiler is registered with
, the default unmarshal validation handler isDefaultValidationEventHandler
and it terminates the marshal operation after encountering either a fatal error or an error. For a JAXB 2.0 client application, there is no explicitly defined default validation handler and the default event handling only terminates the marshal operation after encountering a fatal error.
There currently are not any properties required to be supported by all JAXB Providers on Unmarshaller. However, some providers may support their own set of provider specific properties.
provides two styles of callback mechanisms that allow application specific processing during key points in the unmarshalling process. In 'class defined' event callbacks, application specific code placed in JAXB mapped classes is triggered during unmarshalling. 'External listeners' allow for centralized processing of unmarshal events in one callback method rather than by type event callbacks.'Class defined' event callback methods allow any JAXB mapped class to specify its own specific callback methods by defining methods with the following method signature:
The class defined callback methods should be used when the callback method requires access to non-public methods and/or fields of the class.// This method is called immediately after the object is created and before the unmarshalling of this // object begins. The callback provides an opportunity to initialize JavaBean properties prior to unmarshalling. void beforeUnmarshal(Unmarshaller, Object parent); //This method is called after all the properties (except IDREF) are unmarshalled for this object, //but before this object is set to the parent object. void afterUnmarshal(Unmarshaller, Object parent);The external listener callback mechanism enables the registration of a
instance with ansetListener(Listener)
. The external listener receives all callback events, allowing for more centralized processing than per class defined callback methods. The external listener receives events when unmarshalling proces is marshalling to a JAXB element or to JAXB mapped class.The 'class defined' and external listener event callback methods are independent of each other, both can be called for one event. The invocation ordering when both listener callback methods exist is defined in
Unmarshaller.Listener.beforeUnmarshal(Object, Object)
andUnmarshaller.Listener.afterUnmarshal(Object, Object)
.An event callback method throwing an exception terminates the current unmarshal process.
入れ子のクラスの概要 | |
static class |
Unmarshaller にこのクラスの実装のインスタンスを登録し、非整列化イベントを外部的に待機します。 |
メソッドの概要 | ||
getAdapter(Class<A> type)
Gets the adapter associated with the specified type. |
AttachmentUnmarshaller |
ValidationEventHandler |
Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one hasn't been set. |
Unmarshaller.Listener |
Object |
getProperty(String name)
Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of Unmarshaller. |
Schema |
Get the JAXP 1.3 Schema object
being used to perform unmarshal-time validation. |
UnmarshallerHandler |
Get an unmarshaller handler object that can be used as a component in an XML pipeline. |
boolean |
推奨されていません。 since JAXB2.0, please see getSchema() |
setAdapter(Class<A> type,
A adapter)
Associates a configured instance of XmlAdapter with this unmarshaller. |
void |
setAdapter(XmlAdapter adapter)
Associates a configured instance of XmlAdapter with this unmarshaller. |
void |
setAttachmentUnmarshaller(AttachmentUnmarshaller au)
void |
setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
Allow an application to register a ValidationEventHandler. |
void |
setListener(Unmarshaller.Listener listener)
Register unmarshal event callback Unmarshaller.Listener with this Unmarshaller . |
void |
setProperty(String name,
Object value)
Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of Unmarshaller. |
void |
setSchema(Schema schema)
Specify the JAXP 1.3 Schema
object that should be used to validate subsequent unmarshal operations
against. |
void |
setValidating(boolean validating)
推奨されていません。 since JAXB2.0, please see setSchema(javax.xml.validation.Schema) |
Object |
unmarshal(File f)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified file and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(InputSource source)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified SAX InputSource and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(InputStream is)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified InputStream and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(Node node)
Unmarshal global XML data from the specified DOM tree and return the resulting content tree. |
unmarshal(Node node,
Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal XML data by JAXB mapped declaredType and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(Reader reader)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified Reader and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(Source source)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source and return the resulting content tree. |
unmarshal(Source source,
Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source by declaredType and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(URL url)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified URL and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(XMLEventReader reader)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the resulting content tree. |
unmarshal(XMLEventReader reader,
Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped declaredType and return the resulting content tree. |
Object |
unmarshal(XMLStreamReader reader)
Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the resulting content tree. |
unmarshal(XMLStreamReader reader,
Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped declaredType and return the resulting content tree. |
メソッドの詳細 |
Object unmarshal(File f) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the file to unmarshal XML data from
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the file parameter is nullObject unmarshal(InputStream is) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the InputStream to unmarshal XML data from
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the InputStream parameter is nullObject unmarshal(Reader reader) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the Reader to unmarshal XML data from
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the InputStream parameter is nullObject unmarshal(URL url) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the url to unmarshal XML data from
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the URL parameter is nullObject unmarshal(InputSource source) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the input source to unmarshal XML data from
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the InputSource parameter is nullObject unmarshal(Node node) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
- the document/element to unmarshal XML data from. The caller must support at least Document and Element.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the Node parameter is nullunmarshal(org.w3c.dom.Node, Class)
<T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal(Node node, Class<T> declaredType) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal by Declared Type
- the document/element to unmarshal XML data from. The caller must support at least Document and Element.declaredType
- appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold node's XML data.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If any parameter is nullObject unmarshal(Source source) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
A client application can choose not to use the default parser mechanism supplied with their JAXB provider. Any SAX 2.0 compliant parser can be substituted for the JAXB provider's default mechanism. To do so, the client application must properly configure a SAXSource containing an XMLReader implemented by the SAX 2.0 parser provider. If the XMLReader has an org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler registered on it, it will be replaced by the JAXB Provider so that validation errors can be reported via the ValidationEventHandler mechanism of JAXB. If the SAXSource does not contain an XMLReader, then the JAXB provider's default parser mechanism will be used.
This parser replacement mechanism can also be used to replace the JAXB provider's unmarshal-time validation engine. The client application must properly configure their SAX 2.0 compliant parser to perform validation (as shown in the example above). Any SAXParserExceptions encountered by the parser during the unmarshal operation will be processed by the JAXB provider and converted into JAXB ValidationEvent objects which will be reported back to the client via the ValidationEventHandler registered with the Unmarshaller. Note: specifying a substitute validating SAX 2.0 parser for unmarshalling does not necessarily replace the validation engine used by the JAXB provider for performing on-demand validation.
The only way for a client application to specify an alternate parser mechanism to be used during unmarshal is via the unmarshal(SAXSource) API. All other forms of the unmarshal method (File, URL, Node, etc) will use the JAXB provider's default parser and validator mechanisms.
- the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the Source parameter is nullunmarshal(javax.xml.transform.Source, Class)
<T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal(Source source, Class<T> declaredType) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal by Declared Type
See SAX 2.0 Parser Pluggability
- the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)declaredType
- appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold source's xml root element
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If any parameter is nullObject unmarshal(XMLStreamReader reader) throws JAXBException
Implements Unmarshal Global Root Element.
This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this start event to the corresponding end event. If this method returns successfully, the reader will be pointing at the token right after the end event.
- The parser to be read.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the reader parameter is null
- If reader is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event.unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader, Class)
<T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal(XMLStreamReader reader, Class<T> declaredType) throws JAXBException
This method implements unmarshal by declaredType.
This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this start event to the corresponding end event. If this method returns successfully, the reader will be pointing at the token right after the end event.
- The parser to be read.declaredType
- appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold reader's START_ELEMENT XML data.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If any parameter is nullObject unmarshal(XMLEventReader reader) throws JAXBException
This method is an Unmarshal Global Root method.
This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this start event to the corresponding end event. If this method returns successfully, the reader will be pointing at the token right after the end event.
- The parser to be read.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If the reader parameter is null
- If reader is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event.unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader, Class)
<T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal(XMLEventReader reader, Class<T> declaredType) throws JAXBException
This method implements unmarshal by declaredType.
This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this start event to the corresponding end event. If this method returns successfully, the reader will be pointing at the token right after the end event.
- The parser to be read.declaredType
- appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold reader's START_ELEMENT XML data.
- If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
- If the ValidationEventHandler
returns false from its handleEvent method or the Unmarshaller is unable to perform the XML to Java binding. See Unmarshalling XML Data
- If any parameter is nullUnmarshallerHandler getUnmarshallerHandler()
The JAXB Provider can return the same handler object for multiple invocations of this method. In other words, this method does not necessarily create a new instance of UnmarshallerHandler. If the application needs to use more than one UnmarshallerHandler, it should create more than one Unmarshaller.
void setValidating(boolean validating) throws JAXBException
This method may only be invoked before or after calling one of the unmarshal methods.
This method only controls the JAXB Provider's default unmarshal-time validation mechanism - it has no impact on clients that specify their own validating SAX 2.0 compliant parser. Clients that specify their own unmarshal-time validation mechanism may wish to turn off the JAXB Provider's default validation mechanism via this API to avoid "double validation".
This method is deprecated as of JAXB 2.0 - please use the new
- true if the Unmarshaller should validate during unmarshal, false otherwise
- if an error occurred while enabling or disabling validation at unmarshal time
- could be thrown if this method is invoked on an Unmarshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing JAXB 2.0 mapped classesboolean isValidating() throws JAXBException
This API returns the state of the JAXB Provider's default unmarshal-time validation mechanism.
This method is deprecated as of JAXB 2.0 - please use the new
- if an error occurs while retrieving the validating flag
- could be thrown if this method is invoked on an Unmarshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing JAXB 2.0 mapped classesvoid setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) throws JAXBException
The ValidationEventHandler will be called by the JAXB Provider if any validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the unmarshal methods. If the client application does not register a ValidationEventHandler before invoking the unmarshal methods, then ValidationEvents will be handled by the default event handler which will terminate the unmarshal operation after the first error or fatal error is encountered.
Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Unmarshaller to revert back to the default event handler.
- the validation event handler
- if an error was encountered while setting the event handlerValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() throws JAXBException
- if an error was encountered while getting the current event handlervoid setProperty(String name, Object value) throws PropertyException
- the name of the property to be set. This value can either be specified using one of the constant fields or a user supplied string.value
- the value of the property to be set
- when there is an error processing the given property or value
- If the name parameter is nullObject getProperty(String name) throws PropertyException
- the name of the property to retrieve
- when there is an error retrieving the given property or value property name
- If the name parameter is nullvoid setSchema(Schema schema)
object that should be used to validate subsequent unmarshal operations
against. Passing null into this method will disable validation.
This method replaces the deprecated setValidating(boolean)
Initially this property is set to null.
- Schema object to validate unmarshal operations against or null to disable validation
- could be thrown if this method is invoked on an Unmarshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing JAXB 1.0 mapped classesSchema getSchema()
being used to perform unmarshal-time validation. If there is no
Schema set on the unmarshaller, then this method will return null
indicating that unmarshal-time validation will not be performed.
This method provides replacement functionality for the deprecated
API as well as access to the Schema object.
To determine if the Unmarshaller has validation enabled, simply
test the return type for null:
boolean isValidating = u.getSchema()!=null;
- could be thrown if this method is invoked on an Unmarshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing JAXB 1.0 mapped classesvoid setAdapter(XmlAdapter adapter)
with this unmarshaller.
This is a convenience method that invokes setAdapter(adapter.getClass(),adapter);
- if the adapter parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.setAdapter(Class,XmlAdapter)
<A extends XmlAdapter> void setAdapter(Class<A> type, A adapter)
with this unmarshaller.
Every unmarshaller internally maintains a
which it uses for unmarshalling classes whose fields/methods are annotated
with XmlJavaTypeAdapter
This method allows applications to use a configured instance of XmlAdapter
When an instance of an adapter is not given, an unmarshaller will create
one by invoking its default constructor.
- The type of the adapter. The specified instance will be used when XmlJavaTypeAdapter.value()
refers to this type.adapter
- The instance of the adapter to be used. If null, it will un-register the current adapter set for this type.
- if the type parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.<A extends XmlAdapter> A getAdapter(Class<A> type)
- if the type parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.void setAttachmentUnmarshaller(AttachmentUnmarshaller au)
Associate a context that resolves cid's, content-id URIs, to binary data passed as attachments.
Unmarshal time validation, enabled via setSchema(Schema)
must be supported even when unmarshaller is performing XOP processing.
- if attempt to concurrently call this method during a unmarshal operation.AttachmentUnmarshaller getAttachmentUnmarshaller()
void setListener(Unmarshaller.Listener listener)
Register unmarshal event callback Unmarshaller.Listener
with this Unmarshaller
There is only one Listener per Unmarshaller. Setting a Listener replaces the previous set Listener. One can unregister current Listener by setting listener to null.
- provides unmarshal event callbacks for this Unmarshaller
Unmarshaller.Listener getListener()
Return Unmarshaller.Listener
registered with this Unmarshaller
or null
if no Listener is registered with this Unmarshaller.
JavaTM Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |
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