*参照元 [#e9026bb5] #backlinks *説明 [#ec4d2477] -パス: [[openmaxil-1.1.2/OMX_Core.h]] -コンポーネントへのコマンド。 --意味は下記の通り。 OpenMAX IL API Specification Version 1.1.2 の Table 3-2: Command Syntax より。 | Command code | nParam | pCmdData | | OMX_CommandStateSet | OMX_STATETYPE state to transition to | NULL | | OMX_CommandFlush | OMX_U32 target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandPortDisable| OMX_U32 target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandPortEnable | OMX_U32 target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandMarkBuffer | OMX_U32 target port ID | OMX_MARKTYPE * - mark data and target component | | OMX_CommandStateSet | OMX_STATETYPE - state to transition to | NULL | | OMX_CommandFlush | OMX_U32 - target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandPortDisable| OMX_U32 - target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandPortEnable | OMX_U32 - target port ID | NULL | | OMX_CommandMarkBuffer | OMX_U32 - target port ID | OMX_MARKTYPE * - mark data and target component | **参考 [#ldb34ef2] *実装 [#u4b0d9c1] /** The OMX_COMMANDTYPE enumeration is used to specify the action in the * OMX_SendCommand macro. * @ingroup core */ typedef enum OMX_COMMANDTYPE { OMX_CommandStateSet, /**< Change the component state */ OMX_CommandFlush, /**< Flush the data queue(s) of a component */ OMX_CommandPortDisable, /**< Disable a port on a component. */ OMX_CommandPortEnable, /**< Enable a port on a component. */ OMX_CommandMarkBuffer, /**< Mark a component/buffer for observation */ OMX_CommandKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ OMX_CommandVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ OMX_CommandMax = 0X7FFFFFFF } OMX_COMMANDTYPE; *コメント [#w4370105]