
**自分の .screenrc [#b387f9ed]
 escape ^t^t
 # disable vbell toggle
 bind ^G
 bind g
 # disable screen lock
 bind ^X
 bind x
 # disable xon(send Control-q)
 bind q
 # disable xoff(send Control-s)
 bind s
 # bind 'window remove' to x and ^X
 bind ^X remove
 bind x remove
 # bind 'window only' to q
 bind q only
 # bind 'window split' to s
 bind s split
 vbell off
 defscrollback 1024
 defencoding UTF-8
 defscrollback 32768
 #defencoding UTF-8
 defhstatus "[screen ^En: ^Et]"
 autodetach on
 startup_message off
 cjkwidth off
 caption always "%{=d wk} %-w%{=s wk}%n %t%{-}%+w %= %{=d kg}%y/%m/%d %c"
 #hardstatus string "[screen %n: %t] %h"
 sorendition 10 99
 termcapinfo xterm-color 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;screen\007'
 #term xterm-color
 #termcapinfo xterm-color 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;screen\007'

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