*参照元 [#s492d497] #backlinks *説明 [#yceff9ba] -パス: [[linux-2.6.33/arch/x86/include/asm/ptrace.h]] -FIXME: これは何? --説明 -pt_regs の x86 版 **参考 [#oa316f88] *実装 [#sbf12301] #ifdef __i386__ /* this struct defines the way the registers are stored on the stack during a system call. */ #ifndef __KERNEL__ struct pt_regs { long ebx; long ecx; long edx; long esi; long edi; long ebp; long eax; int xds; int xes; int xfs; int xgs; long orig_eax; long eip; int xcs; long eflags; long esp; int xss; }; #else /* __KERNEL__ */ struct pt_regs { unsigned long bx; unsigned long cx; unsigned long dx; unsigned long si; unsigned long di; unsigned long bp; unsigned long ax; unsigned long ds; unsigned long es; unsigned long fs; unsigned long gs; unsigned long orig_ax; unsigned long ip; unsigned long cs; unsigned long flags; unsigned long sp; unsigned long ss; }; #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ #else /* __i386__ */ (略) #endif /* !__i386__ */ *コメント [#jdeaf8ab]